Geometric Patterns

Morphology | The Collage Art of Joel Lambeth
In 2011 I started making collages that were based around geometric shapes and patterns, which was at the time quite a departure from the work that I had been doing. For example, in 2010 I had quite a number of works in the Samhain exhibition in Brisbane, and these pieces were very much figurative arrangements.

But for whatever the reason I started designing these pieces constructed from concentric coloured squares; works such as the Test Pattern series, Poison Ivy or The Doppler Effect.

Before long though, the patterns had started to become more complex as I experimented with other shapes and three dimensional forms. Parallel Dimension was a bit of a breakthrough work, taking over a year of trial and error to complete. But ultimately it set me on the path to more ambitious works such as Morphology and The Queens Gate.

Geometric Gallery