I have been thinking about motivation a lot lately. Not the spring out of bed, do a hundred star-jumps and then take on the day type of motivation. Although I suppose it could be that, if you wrangled your point of view in the right way.
No, what I’ve been thinking about is more along the lines of how one’s motivation for doing a task or performing an action can drastically alter the results of said task, even though the actual task is no different one way or another.
I don’t feel like I’m being particularly clear here. Maybe an example…
Imagine two co-workers who do exactly the same job. One of them does the job because they enjoy it, the other does it purely for the pay check at the end of the week. One of these over-simplified fictitious employees gets a huge sense of emotional well-being, a rush of endorphins, and smile that carries them through the day, AND money. The other one just gets the money. And maybe some blisters, depending on the job that we are imagining them doing. Which I guess makes them imaginary blisters too. Whatever.
For all we know the person behind door number 2 might get all of those other positive benefits from whatever it is that they choose to spend their hard earned money on afterwards, but that’s not really the point.
This isn’t exactly the context that I’ve been thinking about, but I think it does illustrate what I am talking about. At least I hope it does. The different intentions give different outcomes, even though the transaction that takes place in the middle is exactly the same.
But despite clearly spending too much time thinking about these kind of things, what I can’t work out right now is what could have possibly been the motivation for me to start redesigning my entire website? (woah, what a segue!)
I mean surely it is madness, right?
The warnings were there right from the start. I scoured the internet and found a theme that I quite like, but when I couldn’t get it to upload I had to spend hours going through help websites and how-to videos on YouTube. I’m stubborn so I managed to get that little issue fixed eventually, but having changed over to the new theme my website is now just one huge to-do list that I can’t actually see the end of. It just vanishes off into the distance like the text in the opening scene of Star Wars.
I keep thinking things like “It needed to be done” or “this will look so much better on mobile devices when it’s finished” or “seriously, who’d do this kind of thing for a living?”. But then I’m snapped back to the reality of broken links, missing content, graphics that don’t fit, text running off the edge of the screen, and all this other Stuff(TM) that needs to be sorted.
Oh, and I think I’ve still got some malware hanging around that I’ve emailed my hosting provider about for the upteenth time…
So what I am really trying to say here peeps, is just bear with me while I sort all of this out. As I said, I’m stubborn, so it will get done. It might just take me a little while…